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Advantages of Roller Shutters for Your Business

Most people consider security to be a crucial aspect of business continuity. Back in the day, roller shutters were prominently known for their use in garages to seal entrances to homes. However, today, many businesses use it as a security measure for the protection of valuable business items.

In recent times, roller shutters have offered several benefits to many Australian businesses. These protective security measures come in all shapes and sizes. Here are some notable advantages that roller shutters can offer your business;


1.Enhanced Security

commercial roller shutters

Roller shutters are usually made of aluminium and they cannot be easily broken or tampered with. Aluminium is a metal that is renowned for its strength and lightweight so, its protective qualities are unmatched in many ways. It is important to note that the size of your shop or warehouse is what determines the kind of roller shutter that is best suited for your business.



It is difficult to find any security system that saves costs and lasts longer than roller shutters. When properly maintained, roller shutters can last as long as most buildings. Also, it does not require much maintenance and the costs are highly affordable.


3.Fire Protection

Fire outbreaks are a common disasters that businesses around the world face today. In most cases, external fires gain entrance into business stores and warehouses through their wooden doors and windows. However, with fireproof roller shutters guarding your entrance, you can effectively put out any fire before it finds a way into the store or warehouse. Many fireproof roller shutters are reputed to be able to remain unscathed at 12000C.


4.Appealing Aesthetics

domestic roller shutters


In recent times, commercial and domestic roller shutters have been improved to add aesthetic qualities to buildings they are installed in. These shutters are available in all colours and there is enough variety to suit any style needed. Another thing worth noting is that roller shutters can be operated manually or automatically depending on your preference.

Parting Shot

Roller shutters have proven to be invaluable resources when it comes to ensuring the security of businesses around the world. As more priority gets placed on security measures, the time when roller shutters were considered boring and unattractive is gradually coming to an end. Today, roller shutters have managed to combine aesthetic characteristics with an unmatched capacity for security. This is not something that many other types of entrances can guarantee. Heavy duty shutters, grilles and folding enclosures are covered by our extensive 12 month warranty which includes parts and labour.

Maverick Roller Products Pty Ltd are the leader manufacturers of aluminium roller shutters, grilles and folding enclosures in Australia. Offering both domestic and commercial application products.

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